we have been thinking for a while that it might be time for beds for our boys. the issue has been how difficult it is to get them to go to bed as is in their cribs. however, yesterday's events may force our hand. the boys were jazzed at nap time, and i was working hard to settle them down. i got them into bed and as soon as i turned my back, nate jumped in his bed while holding onto the railing. i told him not to do it again. then noah decided to test if that pertained to him as well. it did. then nate, while my back was turned, did it again. what i heard was a heart-wrenching thump. and there was my son in the middle of the floor crying.
he was hurt, but wasn't overly complaining. he just kept crying. i thought he was probably more scared than anything, and possibly milking it since he knew he wasn't supposed to be jumping. after an hour and a half where i got them both settled (thanks sesame street) they both took short naps. i knew nate was hurt, but couldn't figure out exactly how or where. when i poked and prodded him, he didn't complain, which i was expecting. then after he woke up, i could see how much he was favoring his left arm. we decided to feed them dinner and then i'd take him to urgent care. i could tell it was his wrist.
sitting in the waiting room was so fun. i really don't get enough time one-on-one with my boys. we brought some books and had a great time reading and exploring. we brought "10 little monkeys jumping on the bed" which he has memorized, so he read at at the top of his lungs, which made people laugh, especially once i told them why we were there.
sure enough, 2 hours later, nate had a new splint on his arm. this was not exciting for him. it was mortifying. his comment: "i no like it." but that comment was made in tears and at about 140 decibels, so it might not be verbatim.
the only way i could settle him down was to cover his new cast in stickers. he thought that was pretty cool. he's actually been remarkably adept at learning with one hand and still being independent. i serve as his left hand to put on socks or pull up his pants. but he still wants to do it. he's left handed (at least i think he is) and it's been fun to watch him relearn things. i'll try to get some pictures up later today of the sticker covered cast.