Tuesday, August 05, 2008

What do you want to pray for tonight?

The title of this blog is the question we posit to our boys every night before we got to bed. We've only been doing it for a couple weeks. I realized we weren't really including them in bedtime prayers and I wanted to get them a) to sit down and b) to realize that praying is really important and bigger than us. I figured a simple question would get responses like "Grandma" or "Mommy" or something - things we've prayed about before.

So, they have said the same thing every time we've asked. It goes something like this: "ephelants" "no, i want ephelants" "monkeys and gorillas." You have to love 2 year old prayers, right? But I was faithful, and we prayed specifically for elephants, monkeys and even more specifically for endangered gorillas - that was about a week ago.

Then I read this today. Sometimes I really underestimate God. Today I a) sat down and b) realized that praying is really important and bigger than us.


Karen Elaine Rogers said...

Howie, that's so beautiful. God's heart through a young child's perspective...there's nothing like it! May i stay forever on the floor with children.

Ro said...

Brandon often has us pray for things that I don't give a lot of thought to (although I do thank God for a roof over our heads whenever he asks to pray about the ceiling). Many nights I think his prayers are silly, but do them anyway. Thanks for the insight into prayer. God is so much bigger than us, and so often uses our little ones to help us remember!